Tammy should be a millionaire!
Okay it is seriously driving me nuts how impoverished the Slaton family still appears to be!! Tammy has 829 THOUSAND followers on instagram, that is an insane amount! Most influencers I follow have half of that and make so much money. Why are they not taking advantage of this? Why do they not have an agent yet? I just dont get how they are still living in these tiny crappy homes after being on reality TV for so many years. I feel like they could easily partner with a dental surgeon and get their teeth fixed for a series of posts. This is just one idea of the types of things they could be doing.
I'm comparing it to teen mom, most of the girls didn't have a lot of money but as time went on they would gradually be able to buy nice home and have nice cars, etc. This family appears to still be living in squalor. It makes no sense to me. I get that Tammy's rehab stay must have cost a fortune, but I feel like she could easily be making that money back, if not from the show then definitely from instagram or tiktok. Does this drive anyone else crazy?