Why is tennis shoe rotation not a thing?
I'm a long time runner that started tennis last year. Got myself some shoes, a racket and some balls and started training. A year later and I'm seriously enyoing tennis. As I am a bit of gear head, I have seen a lot of videos on shoes, bags, rackets, strings etc. but one thing stood out to me:
No one talks about shoe rotation.
For some context, if you are a somewhat serious runner you probably have a few different pairs of running shoes. There are a few benefits to this, the big one being that different shoes are suited for different run types. And beyond that, studies have shown that rotating your shoes can helt prevent injury.
So why then, is this not the case for tennis? I have never heard someone mention that a certain model shoe is a good match shoe where as others are good for training. But would it not make sense to use speedy/light shoes for matches and then more stable and durable shoes for training?
It seems like most tennis players, even those who spend a lot of time on their gear, just find one pair that they like and then stick with it (even the pro's!).