Me hearing/reading about you complaining about lack of free speech is the ultimate catch22
Regardless of if your beliefs align with mine. You could be making a poignant statement about a serious problem, or be a famous comedian, or a billionaire on some nazi shit. If a person is bitching and moaning about their lack of free speech, and I’m seeing it, NO, you don’t have anything to complain about there. There was a good 200 years where anyone that wanted to be heard had to either gather a crowd or send letters to people that wanted to read/hear your shit. I think there’s a good deal of unlawful/unconstitutional shit going on, but your right to complain about things to anyone that’ll listen is not one of them. The fact that anyone can get hundreds/thousands of strangers to hear them, is honestly weird. It’s definitely not a right, and not a foothold to claim you need even more people to see/hear/listen to you. You’re not being ‘canceled’. Especially if you’re talking about being cancelled on your syndicated shit. But also you’re not getting ‘cancelled’ cause of lack of views/upvotes/or even getting kicked off some random social media shit.