Leagues 5: What build are you going for?
Looking for inspiration for my own choices.
Now that a significant amount of reveals have been made, what kind of build, consisting of relics and regions are you going for?
For me, I want to go a meleebuild. For quite a while, I wanted to get wilderness, only because of the Khopesh and Shield seemed fun, but after it was revealed that Mory would drop the defender as a whole, I was swayed away from wilderness. Wilderness for me would only offer Money, Khopesh, Voidwaker and chins.
For the relics, I am thinking of going T1: Animal Wrangler, Clue Compass, Total Recall, Grimoire and Dodgy Deals. With this setup, I will probably be lacking in terms of farming and herbs, but I absolutely hate Thieving. I also really want the Grim, so Overgrown is also out of the question.
Currently, my only region set in stone is Morytania, but I would maybe need Zeah or something to supplement?
What do you guys think and what are you guys going?