Reverse mechanic preventing anglers not over-healing in PVP
I believe it's time to undo the change that was added a while ago that no longer allows for anglers to overheal a person's hp when in combat with another player. We have had some major updates within the past couple of years allowing for the max damage output to increase significantly. Items like voidwaker, noxious halberd, bofas, along with many more items have allowed for this to happen. I believe allowing for anglers to overheal during pvp situations would be a nice little update to counteract this creep in damage.
I believe this will be beneficial to everyone, pkers, pvmers alike allowing for players to have a better experience in the wilderness and PVP.
If you are unfamiliar with this mechanic, you can see in the rswiki the following:
Anglerfish and blighted anglerfish do not provide an overheal when eaten if you are in combat with another player or a non-player character.