Hot take: Greece has both eastern and western culture
Exhibit a: The marriages are both arranged and love based("there's no marriage without a person crying.. " as the saying goes)
People in certain areas are conservative and traditional (ex lgbtq views, more than 90% of the country being religious , Balkan nationalism etc) and they simultaneously want to keep up with western trends
The third characteristic is self explanatory because whilst there's a preference to the individual, a lot of people still stay at their parents house (shit economy) and no one will want to upset their grandmas or grandpas +Mediterranean family bond that isn't seen almost nowhere
We are supposed to be as free as westerns but economic reasons and government restrictions are getting in the way
Greek people express a lot of emotions in their dialogue or there's a whole Greek drama that's about to take place with them expressing their emotions with an obvious and subtle way
Exhibit b:
We have characteristics that are shown in the second picture from both west and east that
Conclusion : Greece owns both of the West and east and it has a lot of vassal states like Europe (it's named after a Greek mythological woman after all) , the United States of Greece, Grexico, Greeknada and northern Greekerica. For east it has Grussia, Gromania, Greesrael, Greegypt(generally greekrica) , it also owns all of the archipelago of Aimou .
You might say "well if that's the case then why is Albania, Skopje and turkey troublesome to it? " to which I reply "hard times make strong men" they are puppet states that act to cause problems and hardships in order for the Greeks to be constantly strong.
Next time we will discuss how Naxos, Ithaki and Thessaloniki made the imperium in the 41st century and the Horus Heresy that was created from George Papandreou and George Antonis with the help of the galactic empire.