Advice on 3D printing

Hey everyone,

A novice when it comes to actually using 3D printers in practice but would like some viewpoints on how I can utilise the technology at my workplace:

We are an engineering company and make several varieties of precise machines components.

Metal printing: We have machines components of varying shapes and sizes but extremely specific material grades eg SS304, EN-19, GGG60 (SG Iron), CI-20 (cast iron), LM-5 (Aluminium) —— is it possible to have such components printed on metal 3D printers? Are such materials commonly available to produce with?

Die/Mould Printing: We typically use metallic or wooden dies for some of our more complex shapes. These are then sent to foundries where the final product is poured using these dies. Is this a possible use case for 3D printing? If so, can you recommend the correct material/post processing we should explore with?

Thanks for your help!