[online][Warhammer 40k][Rogue Trader FFG][21+]Looking for 4 players to join a bi weekly sandbox rogue trader campaign Sundays 2pm CET, session 0 on January 8.
Edit: the players are found, and there is no more room. thank you all for your interest.
Posted this on /r LFG as well but leaving it here for a more targeted audience.
I'm looking for some people aged 21 or older to join us in a foray into the Koronus expanse. The game is rogue trader by fantasy flight games, set in the Warhammer 40k universe.
People of all genders, ethnicities and sexual orientations are welcome to join, as long as you conduct yourself in a mature manner and are open to the beliefs of others, meaning: respect each other and no bigotry or harassment is accepted. No prior knowledge of the 40k universe is required.
The game will function as a sandbox exploration of the Koronus expanse, where it is the actions and disposition of the players that will determine the story. I have simply populated the frontier sector with treasures, curiosities and dangers as well as other rogue traders and factions for the players to engage with. These other rogue traders and factions will also pursue their own agendas within the expanse as time goes on perhaps creating opportunities or problems for the players.
This game is meant to just be a fun time and as a homage to the 1. edition of the 40k tabletop "Warhammer 40k, Rogue trader" occasionally will be pretty ridiculous OOC, while still fitting within the lore of 40k. That said I expect people to take the game seriously and not disturb it with to much OOC banter. The style of play will be divided between in character roleplay and meta discussions on how to proceed, rogue trader at its core being part galactic trade management sim. Due to the nature of 40k horror and mature themes will be featured, however I am not a fan of explicit sexual content in tabletop rpg's, so i will keep Slanesh on a leash.
As the GM in this campaign I expect the players to drive the story forward in the direction they would like it to go, with me simply having the world react to your actions. While I am an experienced GM with about 8 years experience on and off, I am just a regular person, so please don't except the same quality of storytelling that is found on Twich/youtube shows.
I am looking to recruit 4 players, for a total of 6 (maybe 7). with the intent on running the game as long as at least 3 players and I are available.
Session 0 will be on the 8.th of January 2 PM CET. please don't make a character ahead of time, as we will start by creating the rogue trader dynasty and void ship. As well as discuss the style of play you want to engage in. after which you can create characters, whom I expect to be at least somewhat compatible with the style of play that is decided upon.
If you are interested in joining please pm me and tell me little about yourself and what you expect from a good rpg session.