passing rate of tranners where you live

What is the passing rate of tranners where you live and (since this is probably the key factor) what is the ease of getting HRT?

E.g. I wonder what the passing rate of tranners in Nordic countries are. I don’t have irl info but online, it looks like many people there honmode for years and years while patiently waiting in the slow public system.

Funnily enough, in Singapore, it is possible and quick to get HRT while young as long as you have parental consent— without parental consent, you need to wait until age 21 but you can get HRT very quickly then. I would say most mtfs in trans spaces here still don’t pass, but a good number are almost-passing since they transitioned usually at age 18-22 (e.g. they would pass if they voicetrained more, or if they just wait a few more years on HRT). There is sampling bias because they once pass, they usually just ‘disappear’. Almost all the FtMs mog me though including in trans spaces, some are gigapassers.

Another data point I have is Malaysia, where curiously, HRT is basically impossible to get legally, but it is easy to get DIY, the local trans culture encourages and spreads info on DIY, and there is also self-selection bias because they mostly encourage those who have the potential to pass. For MtFs, it would also be a matter of physical safety that you have to pass if you girlmode, since it is such a conservative country.

I don’t have any stats to back this up but I do wonder if the proximity to Thailand is what instilled a fairly established trans culture in Singapore and Malaysia of DIY and DIY knowledge especially for MtFs.

Thus my theory is that the highest rates of unpassing are found in countries where (ironically) there is moderate to good social acceptance of tranners, but a shitty slow gatekeepy system for getting HRT, and a local trans culture that focuses on following that system’s rules instead of DIY. What do you think?