Already getting kicked out of A level Further Math

(UPDATE AT THE END!) Super sloppy post because I don't see a point in making it look pretty and really just want to spit what I feel needs to be spat at my current sixth form; Just need a bit of advice ig, and to be heard. I'd like to mention that there is no exaggeration in this post, all the dickheadery is accurate.

POV: School overbooked the further math course, 30 something students when there's meant to just be 15ish. Dickhead fm teacher from the start spoke about how deeply he desired to cut the class in half (remove half of the students). teaches all of Chapter 1 of mechanics in 2 weeks (around 8 hours worth of lesson time). Lessons consisted of him showing (not explaining or teaching, like a robot, quickly displaying) a concept once, throwing a complex question on the board, and asking why we couldn't do it. Kid asks question: "you should know that, if you cant keep up, consider dropping the course." kid gets it wrong: "took that long to get a wrong answer? maybe consider dropping the course." Late homework: "give me a good reason i should keep you in this course." Got the question right: "one student's got the answer, next question! Me and my friends didn't used to call his lessons fm, if we had fm next, we'd say, "damn, we have an hour of *teacher's* dick n balls in our mouth." Anyways, he gives us the test that he says determines who stays and who gets booted from the class, 25 marks worth of questions, 1 hour test. 25 students fail. He says we're lucky to be getting retested, and gave us another test 4 days later. We asked for the initial tests back to learn from our mistakes, he said no. He started teaching chapter 2, with no chapter 1 feedback or revision, telling us that if we couldn't handle the first chapter of further math, the easiest one, we deserve to get kicked out of the course.

I tried my very hardest to fully self learn everything, I found the edexcel booke extremely helpful, but just struggled to grasp concepts without teacher assistance. Sat the retest today and wholeheartedly believe I am getting booted from the course. Currently extremely self conflicted, as I have always been a math student, got a 9 in GCSE math genuinely without trying as it's always just come naturally, 8 in further math, and 9 in additional math. I never had to revise for physics and maths gcse, since i found all the mathematical and mechanical concepts so easy, they naturally just came to me. First time in my life I've actually had to study for math, and I have zero guidance or assistance from the one guy thats meant to be teaching me. Is this level of harshness allowed? I mean, I understand that they said A levels would be a different level of difficulty, and I know they're only trying to keep the best of the best in the course, but does that mean every single kid who doesnt manage to make the cut in just two weeks loses their opportunity forever? I feel like I could really excel at further math if I could just get taught properly and have my questions answered, instead of my teacher being actively out to catch me and throw me off the course at the first given moment. My parents are lost and disappointed too, as they know I love math. I literally took Physics, maths, further math, and computer science, all subjects correlating in some way to math. I don't know what to think of my own academic ability anymore, and whether or not I should even consider goign into engineering in the future. I just want to know if this sort of behaviour is normal, and how I should feel about what happened. Am I really just not cut out for it, and am I meant to give up, since I can't grasp concepts instantly anymore? Any help is appreciated.

update edit: I somehow passed; I'm not sure what came of other students that didn't. I cant be asked to stir up any drama with higher management in my school, if somebody else wants to, that's their decision. I've decided i'll just learn the entire course by myself one lesson ahead of schedule and use work in class to test myself and solidify concepts; I won't make the mistake of relying on my teacher teaching me the course again. Thank you all for the amazing advice, I'll definitely be using the websites, books, and channels you guys recommended. I wish you all amazing careers and futures :D