unhappiness because of desi cultural norms
posting here in case anyone can relate to this - I feel like I’m suddenly becoming aware of how much desi culture has mentally burdened me. I feel so unhappy and unfulfilled at work and part of that is because I know my parents are disappointed in me (I didn’t choose medicine as a career path). I feel a lot of resentment towards south asian culture because I feel like there is this template for life we (south asians) are expected to follow, and if you deviate in any way you will be ostracized, judged, looked down upon, etc. it’s so mentally exhausting. i don’t fall into the “good desi daughter” prototype in many ways and there’s so many social repercussions for that. it doesn’t help that no one in my life understands so i feel even more isolated. if anyone wants to talk or discuss this, please reach out