Retore acl graft - 5 months post op
I have the patella graft. I dont know yet 100% if its torn just want to get yalls opinion on it. I was riding my bike late at night couldnt see anything hit a curb wrong and went flying off my bike. I tried to land on my feet but had all my weight on my surgical leg. I heard a pop and I got up right away. Limped a little bit but still managed to get up and ride my bike back to my house. When I got back I iced it up and went to sleep. It swelled up and I lost a little bit of ROM and also it would pop everytime I tried to straighten it. Now the next morning - still swollen and ROM sucks but the popping has chilled out. It doesnt feel unstable and I havent had it buckle on me yet.
Im sorry about the paragraph im just freaking out over here
I really dont think I can go through the pain and suffering process again of a torn acl.