I feel terrible on Strattera

I really want this to work - my psychiatrist gave me the choice between stimulants and non-stimulants. My mother asked me to try Strattera first and I agreed because I like the idea of the medication lasting 24 hours.

It’s my second day… I had it at night yesterday because I heard it makes you drowsy, and it was awful. I went to bed at 10 and woke up at 3. My sleep was so fragmented and my dreams were so vivid, I thought I woke up multiple times during the night even though I was actually asleep the whole time, and in my dreams I convinced myself that the meds had given me psychosis. To avoid the bad sleep, I decided to take it midday today and ended up napping for two hours, which was even worse because I woke up feeling so drained. My ADHD symptoms have been so much worse than usual because the meds have affected the tiny sliver of motivation I did have.

Also, I have insane dry mouth. I know it’s only my second day lol but I’m driving myself crazy reading people’s experiences with Strattera. A lot of people say it never ends up being particularly effective. Am i just gonna suffer for nothing? I’d love to hear success stories. Did the side effects ever go away? Or should I hit up my psychiatrist and tell her I changed my mind?