I get irrationally upset when disturbed during hyperfocus

For my whole life, I have very much struggled starting and staying focused on anything im not interested in, whether that be chores, assignments, work etc. Whenever I do manage to get into a focused zone, I find that if anyone interrupts me or asks me to do something else for a second I get so bothered. Maybe because its so difficult to get back to being focused afterwards. It usually hasnt been a problem but after being in a longterm relationship its starting to create tension.

Im studying full time right now and have the classic ADHD struggle of last minuting every assignment (even with medication and various techniques to try complete tasks early) and I find that I spend a good 24 hours before a due date hyperfocusing on an assignment. Sadly, this means almost any interaction I have with my partner during that time bothers me, as it distracts me and makes it difficult to focus again. Obviously this is terrible and my partner doesnt deserve that (nor the stress of watching me last minute everything), especially because sometimes due dates align with other important things.

If anyone has advice on not being so annoyed or just time management techniques that have worked for them I would love to hear your opinion. Feel like I've tried everything 😭