Help with ADHD 6 year old
My lovely sparkly boy is a real charmer, unbelievable sensitive and intuitive, and if he sees the ‘full picture’ of what he needs to do, is able to achieve it in ways you wouldn’t expect. He’s also funny in a way that is really advanced for his years.
Of course, I would say that. I’m his Dad. But I’m not the only one.
The issue is that he’s extremely distractible and distracting of other kids. He’s the class clown and, as such, the teacher is proposing putting him on his own desk with no distractions on it while the other kids have ‘rug time’ - because this is where he tends to distract them the most.
I understand why they might think this is a good idea, and why they might need to. And I’d be okay with it as a time out style punishment when he’s acting up. But I’m really don’t think it’ll help with self-esteem etc in the long term.
Of course, I don’t want to poo-poo the idea without suggesting an alternative.
The teacher suggests he may be gifted and is allowing to help her ‘plan’ lessons so he can see the bigger picture of what they’re trying to achieve. But still wants to do the table thing.
Any thoughts on this? I have ADHD as well and I am just as sensitive as he is, and I just think that would really have made me feel even more of an outsider than I did as a child.
Can someone tell me how I should feel about this 😂