Can anyone relate to my personal experience that a healthy lifestyle does little if not nothing for their ADHD?
My lifestyle is a lot better than it used to be, but I can confidently say it doesn't seem to have any noticeable impact on my ADHD. I eat high protein, complex carbs and get in my veg and fruit basically everyday. Exercise is something I still struggle with, BUT I deliver the newspaper every morning and take a walk every afternoon, which means I take about 10.000-15.000 steps everyday.
This morning when I was doing my job I still couldn't focus on my podcast this morning for longer then 20 seconds, despite the fact I slept a full 8 hours, was doing low-impact exercise and had avocado toast with salmon. It absolutely helps me feel better, but when it comes to focus and mental clarity, it's genuinely not any different then if I would've had a shitty night's sleep and ate pancakes with syrup for breakfast. I know that because every once in a while I definitely slip back for a little while and/ or indulge.
Obviously I'm not saying you shouldn't try to be healthy, I I just really want to make clear that diet and exercise aren't always going to fix all of your problems and that's not your fault. My executive function is still very bad and I'm still very easily distracted. I'm still tired all the time, though I think I'm more mentally exhausted rather than physically. Which is why telling people with ADHD ''have you tried eating more omega 3 fatty acids and exercise more?'' although with good intentions, is often a bit disingenuous. Besides the fact that it's important to remember ADHD can often be the REASON that someone can't seem to succeed building healthy habits, I personally think that if someone's ADHD is fixed or even drastically improved by weightlifting and eating a handful of nuts and fish oil everyday, they probably didn't have ADHD to begin with, though I'm not a professional so I can't say that with confidence. I can just confidently say that for me, although still very beneficial in other areas of my life, being healthier has done fuck-all for my ADHD.