Hands in Mouth
Anyone have techniques for redirecting a hands in the mouth habit. I think it’s a self soothing thing. (She’s prone to stimming but has no official autism diagnosis) (Adhd diagnosis pending)
My daughter is newly 4. It’s been a rough transition into kindergarten for her and she’s not loving her teacher. She’s been feeling stressed a lot and I keep finding her obsessively chewing and licking her fingers.
Thing is she’s also been sick every 2 weeks since september and keeps ending up in ER thanks to asthama that is triggered by colds. I’m also pregnant and days-weeks away from delivery. I’ve been sick over and over too and I can’t even breathe anymore. I need this kid to stop bringing home viruses. I can’t do labour with my O2 dropping constantly. I’ve been coughing until this baby has bruised my insides and I can’t do it anymore.
Obviously can’t prevent her catching everything, but anything that helps my daughter limit the ways she’s catching these viruses would be great and keeping hands out of her mouth seems like a good place to start. No idea how though.