LEAST favourite Ado song?

A bit different of a question since you're typically asked what your favourite is but, I'm curious to know what songs are disliked, no judgement! :D

For me, it's Fireworks. It's just not that interesting and it has a lot of this instrumental and it doesn't really display her full vocal potential like other songs do.

Edit: I just read through about 100 different opinions, which we are ALL allowed to have without hate, I only made this post out of interest and when I said "no judgement" I did mean from me but I was mistaken to think others would do the same. Not that anyone directly hated on anyone, they just used the down vote feature so they don't get backlash for hating, but they're still hating against an opinion. This is Reddit after all so I suppose it makes sense, but I can't understand how you can get mad at someone you don't even know for having a different taste in music than you. Matter of fact, I seen several people choose my favourite songs and I just accepted they prefer a different style.

Thank you for all the responses, they were interesting to read through! <3