AITA for sleeping with my friend’s “Hall Pass”?
I (49F) have been friends with "Sarah" (49F) for about 15 years. She’s happily married, with two kids. I’m (amicably) divorced with a kid. We met at our childrens’ preschool. We’ve been there for each other through some tough times.
Sarah has a huge crush on…I’ll call him Jake, as long as I’ve known her. Jake is a popular, but not, like stadium filling musician. From what I can tell, he makes a living, has had popular albums, and has toured with A-Listers, but he’s not necessarily a household name. He’s in his late 40’s. Sarah has never met him. She’s been to several of his concerts and owns a bunch of merch and considers Jake her Hall Pass. Again, she’s married and would never actually cheat on her husband.
Honestly, her crush never seemed off the rails to me. Like she’d joke about him wooing her through IG, but she didn’t, like, stalk him.
So let me say here, I would NEVER, even when I was younger, date or even flirt with a guy a friend of mine liked/was interested in. fries before Guys/Friends before Men - all that. It just wouldn’t be cool.
A few weeks ago, I randomly met Jake at a charity event. He was hired as the entertainment.
We got to talking, and one thing led to another… and I ended up sleeping with him. It was a one-time thing, fun and we both knew it was casual.
At first, I thought it was a funny, wild story to share with Sarah. After all, it’s not like she would ever actually *be* with him, right? But when I told her, she looked really hurt. She wasn’t mad exactly, but she said something like, “Wow, I can’t believe you actually did that,” and she’s been distant ever since.
I didn’t think the “friends before men” rule applied here because he was basically her Movie Star Crush—not a real romantic prospect for her. But now I’m second-guessing everything. I feel awful for upsetting her, but I genuinely didn’t think it was that big of a deal. Now I’m wondering, AITA?
EDIT - omfg. no, it was not dave grohl. I'd never sleep with a married guy. Thats just vile. Plus, correct me if I'm wrong, he was in fucking Nirvana and is Foo Fighters. Not exactly the type to play small corporate gigs.
Obligatory "can't believe this blew up" and *really enjoying the guesses.
Got together with "Sarah" yesterday, and will post a longer update after work, things are going to be okay w/us. Maybe a touch weird for a bit, but okay. Showing her this post helped because some people were able to express things we were individually thinking, but more articulately.
And had a huge amount of laughs at peoples guesses (Jake from State Farm - as if anyone but Flo could pull THAT). So thank you all for being a part of us figuring this out.
Two people did name the guy in a couple really low rated comments, which kinda surprised me. Like I said, he's not a household name and i thought the details I gave gave were enough for context, but broad enough enough to not nail it. Reddit, you guys are good.