AITAH for farting in a public waiting room?
Ok so to start I've always been told I have diabolical farts. I can't help it. Diet change everything. Nothing helps but besides that let me get into my story.
My daughter had an appointment/procedure at a hospital out of town so we made a day out of it knowing full well she wasn't going to enjoy having her nose fixed. After breakfast out and 30 minutes to spare we enter this hospital which from the moment I saw this waiting room I was debating on leaving. It was packed and for whatever reason there was an abundance of what I'll call people with issues. Shouting out and being disruptive. Of course the only 2 open seats are next to a woman who is shouting at a security guard about him not fixing her hand properly like he was the doctor. So I sit next to her and make sure my daughter has the seat further away. After I sit this woman tells me this seat is taken . So to avoid any issues I say ok and stand up. She then proceeds to talk behind me to my daughter who is only 10 at the time and I can tell is very uncomfortable. This conversation consists of nothing of importance and no word of a lie the word alien was used more than once. My daughter smiles and is polite even though she has her nose all bandaged and eyes bruised making me realize I raised a very special girl handling herself so well. Then out of nowhere this lady tells my daughter how ugly she is with her nose like that and very harshly. I immediately sit down in the chair between them and tell the woman to hold her tongue as my daughter sniffles and wipes away tears. I ask if she's ok reassure her of her beauty and ask if her nose is working at all yet? She shakes her head no and says she can't smell and honestly barely tasted her breakfast. I said ohhhh noooo you don't say and give her a wink as I gently make a show of pushing and she instantly knows what I'm doing and it sends a smile across her face. Within moments this woman beside me starts wretching and gagging to the point of getting out of her chair to get a garbage can from the corner. I said OMG are you ok? She struggled to get out a breath between gags. Then the sweet sweet sound of my daughter's name was called. So.