AITA for Letting Go of Our Nanny because she makes more money than us?
I am a SAHM with two young kids and my husband does very well for our family. Because of that, I was in a position to hire a mommy’s helper. Someone to assist me with the kids, run small errands, and just be an extra set of hands. When I put out feelers for hiring, I was hoping to find someone younger in our community who genuinely needed the job and could benefit from the extra income.
That is where our now former nanny came in. She applied for the job and seemed like a great fit. She speaks another language, which I wanted for my kids, and she mentioned she learned it while studying abroad. At first, that did seem a little lavish, but she is Caribbean, so I assumed it was one of those programs where students from smaller countries get grants or scholarships to study in bigger, wealthier nations. I thought maybe she had worked really hard to have that opportunity.
She also said she would walk to the interview and to and from work, which initially confused me because we live in a large gated community where even the cheapest homes cost 800K. However, there is a luxury apartment complex within the community, so I assumed she lived there and maybe had roommates to help with the rent.
For about six weeks everything was fine. She was great with my kids, reliable, and personable. She also mentioned that working as a mommy’s helper allowed her the flexibility to travel a few times a year, which she enjoys. That was when I first started realizing she might not need this job the way I had assumed.
Then she invited my family over for dinner and I was shocked when I saw her address. It was not the apartment complex. It was a large home in the gated community, easily worth over a million dollars and bigger than ours. That alone surprised me, but then I found out her husband is an airline pilot and from what I gathered makes just as much if not more than my husband. On top of that, the car I thought was just parked outside her apartment complex that she never seemed to drive is actually hers. An 80K luxury vehicle.
After that night I started feeling uncomfortable. She never lied about her lifestyle, but I assumed she was someone who was working because she needed the income, not because she wanted extra spending money for travel. I was hoping to offer this job to someone who was in a more humble financial situation. Someone who needed it rather than someone who just wanted to keep busy. I also feel weird about someone with such a flashy and showy lifestyle being around my kids daily.
I decided to let her go. She took it well, just saying she understood and wished us the best, but now I am wondering if I was wrong. My husband thinks I overreacted and that a job is a job. If she was good at it, her finances should not have mattered. But I still feel like I would rather have given the opportunity to someone who needed it more.