Ex Wife
My wife and I have been separated for 5 months, divorce almost final and we don’t really have any major issues. Only problem is I moved out with friends as we didn’t have the combined income to support two houses for the kids. I take both kids to sleepover my parents with me 3 nights a month so she can have a break and do her own thing and I literally do 50% of the parenting literally every day of the week except Fridays, I just take care of them in “her” home. She started asking me to stay at the house weekend evenings so she can go out, she’s clearly going out on dates while I stay home with the kids. I told her I was not comfortable with this and she needs to get a babysitter if she’s going on dates outside of my scheduled time with the kids.
I am giving her the house, still paying the mortgage, and I moved out with friends. 3 days per week I go to the house, get them ready for school and drop them off, and I pick them up and put them to bed those same days.
The 3 overnights a month is all I can do until I get my own place and that will be very soon, just a lot of expenses for me to cover
Am I a jerk for drawing this boundary? It’s not fun being inside your own home, watching your ex wife get dolled up for her date, and then waiting for her to come home so I can leave.
Isn’t it kind of rude to ask your still husband to provide childcare in your own home so you can go on a date? We aren’t even divorced yet.