AITAH for calling out my dad at a family gathering after he made a snide comment about my mom?

So, for some context: my parents split when I was 5, and my mom (45F) raised me (23F) entirely on her own. My dad (48M) was never really in the picture. He'd show up sporadically, make empty promises, and then disappear again. Meanwhile, my mom worked two jobs, sacrificed everything, and made sure I never felt like I was missing out. She's my hero, plain and simple.

Now, last weekend. My dad's side of the family had a big reunion, and my dad invited me. I decided to go because I wanted to see my cousins and grandparents. Everything was fine until my dad made a comment during dinner, talking about "how hard it is to raise kids these days", and then said "But I guess it's easier when you only have to do it part time, huh?" while looking directly at me.

At first, I was confused. Easier? my mom worked herself to the bone to provide for me, and she did it completely alone. and then I realized that he wasn't saying it wasn't easier for her, but for himself. He was smugly patting himself on the back for barely being involved, as if his absence was sone kind of gift to my mom, while in reality my mom struggled to make ends meet.

I was furious. I don't remember what I said exactly but it was something along the lines of "you've been a bum this whole time showing up whenever it was convenient for you while my mom gave up everything to raise me and you're proud of it? Don't you dare act like you've done anyone favors for what you did". So, yeah. Table went quiet, my dad looked embarrassed, tried to laugh it off, but I wasn't done. I told he had no right to talk about parenting when he never acted like one.

Now, some of my relatives are saying I was too harsh and that I "humiliated" him in front of everyone. That I should have just let it go because "that's just how he is". Personally I think he gets what he f*king deserves. I don't regret standing up for my mom and me. She's always put me first. Still, the backlash is making me think that maybe I did go a little too far. should I have at least toned it down or?