Aitah for hitting a kid with my bike
So my town recently installed a bike lane along the side of a major road, I chose not to use it when I bike to school because people drive in it all the time and I like living, biker’s aren’t required to use bike lanes legally in my city so I’ve never had a problem with anyway I was biking home from school, my high school is right next to the middle school which lets out 2 minutes earlier so on my bike rides home I have to deal with the occasional annoying middle school kid who doesn’t move when I let them know I’m behind them. There was a particularly large group of middle schoolers in front of me so I did what I always do shouted “on your right!” And slowed down(my brakes dont work super well so I can’t stop quickly without just hurling myself off my bike) most of them looked back dumbfounded but moved out of the way, but the three in the front thought in would be funny to form a wall blocking the sidewalk and said (no thanks I chose the right path) so because I can’t stop and on either side of me is a busy road or tree, I hit one of them-not very hard but a solid tap. This kid got so mad and started screaming about the bike lane as I biked away as fast as possible- like I said I didn’t hit him very hard so I knew he wasn’t hurt- anyway aitah I feel kinda bad because there is a bike lane but also like if you don’t want to get hit by a bike just move out of the way, I don’t know I’m worried I’m in the wrong. EDIT: i live in a very small town where bike lanes are not common place and there are very few people walking -people seem to be reacting like I slammed into him at full speed, I lightly tapped his backpack