AITA for masturbating when me and my husband agreed not too?
I (20F) married my husband (23M) back in November.
I’ve always had a high sex drive but I never acted on it due to religion. I never masturbated except for a few times in middle school.
When I got married I was so happy, because I love my husband and was excited to start a life together, but also a little bit because I would have an outlet for being very horny all the time. When we first got married we would have sex like four times a week. I never pressured him, i would never do that, and although I was definitely the one with the higher sex drive he was the one to initiate sex mostly, like 70% of the time.
Before we got married he told me that he considered masturbation to be a form of infidelity, not like full cheating but like a little cheating. I do not agree but I foolishly thought “well I Haven’t masturbated since I was thirteen, and once we get married we can have sex, so why would I ever need too masturbate once I’m married. So obviously I can agree too the terms of no masturbation” so I agreed with him. But admittedly I don’t really care about religious rules like no masturbation or no eating meat in Fridays as much as I did when I was in High-school, I’m much more lax now.
I found out I was pregnant in February and I’m currently a nine weeks pregnant. Me and my husband are so happy. But after I found out I was pregnant my husband told me that he didn’t think we should have sex while I’m pregnant because “well your already pregnant so we don’t need too, and sex should only be a means of procreation.” Which we didn’t talk about before we got married or after, and I don’t agree with, married people are allowed to have sex!
And now I can’t have sex, but I’m even more horny than normal due to hormones and shit. My husband works a 9-5 and I work part time in the mornings from 6-12, so I have a good chunk of time where only I’m home. And I usually use this time to do housework and crafts, but I’ve also been using this time too masturbate. I only do it like once a week. And admittedly part of this is because I don’t really care about religious rules as much as I did when I was in high-school.
Yesterday I got home and I did housework but then I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until like 4:40 and had the urge. i was like “I have time” but then I got carried away and my husband came home and walked in on me and now he is upset. His views on sex I think are not really as based on religion as he is letting on, we are catholic and the idea that a couple cannot have sex because one of them is pregnant isn’t really a thing, at least at the catholic community we live in, we live in the US and I know that Catholics in other countries are a bit more traditional.
I never watch porn or use sex toys
So AITA for kinda a little cheating with myself?