AITAH For setting up my camera equipment in our bedroom to stop a relative from giving unauthorized tours?

My (m42) wife (f36) and I live in a unique house. It has a lot of interesting details (was built in the 1930s) and is fairly large. We love to entertain, but also are private with regard to our personal spaces like our bedroom. One of my wife’s relatives is always showing our guests around the house when we have parties or holidays here, which is great for the downstairs or even some of the upstairs rooms but we have asked her to stay out of our bedroom without asking first. After the last time she ignored that request, I set up a tripod and camera at the end of our bed facing it and also two large soft lights that I use for filming training videos at work before a party we were having that she would be attending. She took a few people on another tour and they all immediately came down and didn’t say much after. The next day the relative mentioned what she had seen to my wife’s mother, and her mother mentioned it to her. My wife if annoyed with because now her family thinks we film sex videos. I think what I did was funny, and I don’t think we will have any unauthorized visitors in our bedroom again. AITAH?