Friend told everyone at school I wrote fanfiction

I have always been insecure about writing fanfiction. I was made fun of a lot for being into anime and fandoms and stuff. In present day I'm pretty open about the things I'm interested, but I still keep my own fanfiction a secret. And so, when I found a friend who was also into fanfics, I thought I had found someone who could understand me. I sent her a screenshot of an in progress fic - the first fic I had written in years - and I told her, in no uncertain terms, to tell no one. Fanfiction is my deepest darkest indulgence. And yesterday I found out she told literally everyone I knew, even her boyfriend who is lowkey an op. And her boyfriend and his friend kept making fun of me for it. Typically I'm always up for a little banter but it made me really upset that my friend had told literally everyone. Like I'm not kidding, my friend told me that "literally everyone knows except me." I cried a little that day; it made me really sad. I am fine with being made fun of for things that I tell others. But I never meant for anyone to know I wrote fanfiction and I hate being made fun of it for something I can't control. And it was bad enough that my "friend" revealed that I wrote fanfic. Today, one of my friends who isn't into fandoms and stuff called me laughing. "I didn't know you were a writer!" And so it turned out that her boyfriend had showed them a screenshot of my fanfic. I texted her and she denied it, saying that her boyfriend saw it by accident. But I called my friend and she said that the girls boyfriend has a screenshot. My friend did say that she would tell her boyfriend to stop but my trust is basically completely broken now. I've cried like 3 times today. Now all of my friends - even those who know nothing about fandoms - know the most vulnerable part of me. And it's so incredibly humiliating to have something so cringe on public display. It's like someone ripped out a piece of my heart and passed it around like a freak show. I texted the girls boyfriend and his friend and they apologized. But I still feel so shitty and near tears. Now everyone knows my biggest insecurity and it can't be taken back even though they apologized and said they wouldn't tell anyone. But I'm tired of being made fun of for something I like. The worst part is that I've lost my motivation to write. This basically retraumatized me and made me go back in my shell. I'm just really sad and I feel like I'm overreacting because everyone else has moved on. Apologies for the long, barely incomprehensible post - I will probably delete this later when I feel better and go to bed but I just wanted to rant since in real life I never show sadness. Today was the first time I broke down crying in front of a friend and it's just kind of humiliating and embarrassing. If you have read so far, thank you and have a great day.