There's nothing wrong with reading or writing fic where marriage and kids are endgame, and the potshots at it make me kinda sad.

One of the common refrains in the unrelenting "why don't you write gen fic, write more gen fic, I like gen fic more than shipfic and you need to write more of it for me" posts (in what feels like every part of social media based fandom but this specific subreddit) is that shipfic always ends in boring, ~monogamous~ marriage, with optional 2-3 kids.

It doesn't, of course, but it's also literally fine to read or write about that. Fanfiction communities are full of regular adults who work normal jobs and already have a family they love, or might want a family someday. (Most of us should remember when gay marriage wasn't federally legal in the the entire US, it's genuinely incredible that gay marriage in fic is mundane for so many of us now.) You personally disliking this 'happy ending' doesn't mean it's a systemic problem in fandom that needs to be 'solved'.

Edit: you know, I realize now that this post makes me seem like I primarily write romance, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it is very funny, so I'll just mention that I've posted 19 genfics to 13 non-genfics.