"Tribe Poetics" - Looking for ATCQ + Dave Matthews Band rare track

Hey, all -

44 year old dude here. Back in the Napster, Limewire, and BearShare days of yore, I was in college around 1999-2003.

I was already into Tribe, but file sharing really got me hooked on being a completist. I was searching out rarities, b-sides, remixes, and live performances.

One track sticks out to me. I'm going to try to explain it as best as I can.

The file name was called Tribe Poetics. It was labeled as a Dave Matthews Band song and Tribe was on it as well. It was a live track taken from a concert.

One of the things I remember about it was Tip saying, "Say Tribe Poetics! Say Tribe Poetics! Say Tribe Poetics!" I want to say Phife was on the track, too.

I cannot for the life of me find the song. I do not think I've heard it since like 2005 or so. Am I making this up? Is this another group and I am mistaken? Does anyone have a link to the track?

Thank you all so much for your time.

Keep questing.