Questions concerning Al-Khidr....

Greetings, I am not Muslim and I have very surface level knowledge of it's history and religion, however I decided to try and change that after having a look at the histories and developments of Judaism and Christianity.

Looking through Islamic tradition, I was introduced to the figure of Al-Khidr. Looking at the general consensus, it seems as though Al-Khidr is equated with Elijah and Saint George and he seems to have a large corpus of stories and traditions associated with him.

However, from what I can gather, despite the fact that Khidr has many rich stories about him there doesn't seem to be any academic or literary source that has collected of archived these existing stories. Khidr seems to be very associated with Palestine through several locations and shrines equated with him and also many famous events were said to have had him present at them such as The Battle of Hattin or him meeting Alexander the Great.

He also appears in stories in other parts of the Muslim world. Considering how widespread the figure is, has there ever been any attempt to write down every single story associated with him in chronological order? Is there any source that I can use to look into about Al-Khidr?