Accutane blood test results

Hi, I am now on month 2 of low dose isotret (10mg). My blood test results for the end of the first month just came back and they’re not looking good.

My cholesterol has always been borderline high but this has also increased. Though I’m more worried about the Serum Globulin. What does it indicate? Anybody have a same experience? Is it enough for my derm to stop my medication?

Cholesterol Total : 233 mg/dl (H) ,HDL : 53.8 mg/dl ,LDL : 163 mg/dl (H) ,Triglyceride : 99.5 mg/dl ,Serum Globulin : 4.32 g/dl (H) ,Serum Albumin : 4.31 g/dl ,Total Protein : 8.63 g/dl

All my other livertox levels are good except for serum globulin. I’m seeing my doctor on Monday btw.