I'm starting to lose hope
I'm starting to lose hope that they will make a limited harmony unit that I'd absolutely love and would fit with acheron with 0 downsides.
Just hear me out on this.
Out of all the limited 5 star characters none of them has actually caught my full attention. Ruan mei and sparkle got a glance from me but ultimately didn't interest me enough to use with acheron or made me like them. I do not care for Sunday and Robin so I skip them everytime. Tribbie is the next harmony unit and I have absolutely no interest in them. Now I'm not saying that they are bad with acheron and I'm not saying that they are bad characters in general. I'm saying that for me they lack almost everything I'm looking for in a harmony character. I do respect them and the people who like them but they just aren't for me. Almost every team has a harmony character that fits perfectly for their team. Robin for fua, Sunday for remembrance characters, sparkle for mono quantum and ruan mei for break(and dot to a certain extent). Yet acheron doesn't have that is just using the limited 5 star harmony characters as placeholders. I feel like her e2 was made to set her up for a 5 star harmony character that fits perfectly for her just like how JQ instantly became her best teammate. When it comes to the 4 star harmony units they all have problems with acheron and bronya requires alot of things like her e1 and her signature which I don't have personally.
So when I play acheron I always think about having the perfect harmony unit so I can stop doing double nihility on my e2 acheron.
Feel free to disagree with me and tell me your opinion on this.