In light of recent events on r/texas…

As many of you have seen or can view on our community highlights, r/texas has been liberated. The “new” moderator team has rescinded many bans made since the trash bandit came to power, I believe there was an estimated 100k bans suggested on the liberation post.

While I am thrilled by the news, having been unbanned myself I want to make it clear that I will keep r/actuallytexas going, I’ve grown rather fond of the community, y’all’s contributions, and I also find the lack of politics to be refreshing.

I saw some accusations of the r/texas sub being “the same”, please keep in mind this all occurred hours ago, the sub has more than 600k members and it will take a while to return to normal.

I will be rescinding the ban on tagging r/texas as we are no longer afraid of them taking hostile action against us.

Thank y’all for being on this journey with me, I hope this doesn’t change things here, though I guess it’s inevitable we will lose some members to the other sub.

Thank y’all and have a good night.