Rant E. Burbs Cyclists

wtf is with entitled the cyclists in the Eastern Burbs!! ???!!!

Daily I come across fuckwits on their bikes tearing through roundabouts without yielding to cars! Yesterday took the biscuit, two cars on a small roundabout near a school and this bell end sails through abruptly stopping the car in front and making the other screech to a halt.

Wanker continues on his merry way, meanwhile I can see two visibly shaken mums wondering wtf happened as another two bikes continue through too.

The rules of the fucking road applies to us all. Yield to all traffic already on the roundabout.

Note: this is the second time I’ve seen this cunt do this in two days. The previous day he had the balls to chase a car, kick and punch it screaming abuse at the driver when he was the one clearly at fault.

Every fucking day, it’s this or they skip around lights up on the path all the while blissfully unaware they are breaking the law and putting drivers at risk.

Fuck these cyclist wankers.