My dad stopped talking to me after I gave birth

I put my son up for adoption as I couldn’t provide for him. I love him very much and wanted him to have the best chance at life. I chose a family my mom knew and have an open adoption agreement since they live an hour and a half away and I can keep contact. My dad knew about this since I made the decision into my second trimester. I kept him updated with everything and told him about the adoptive family. He told me that he would need time to adjust to it in the beginning but I didn’t expect him to just cut contact. It’s been a week since my baby was born and it’s been the hardest week of my life, especially after healing from a c section. It’s not like him to not talk to me and it hurt so much because I love my dad. Do I just need to give him time? Is it wrong for me to feel like he shouldn’t ignore me during this?

Edit: My father was in foster care temporarily. Before, he thought that the adoption was going to be like foster care and that he would be placed with someone that would only care about getting a check. I explained that adoption is the opposite and that we would be in contact with the family. This might explain his behavior.

UPDATE: My dad ended up calling me this morning which surprised me. He went straight to it and said he wasn’t mad at me at all. He feels really guilty that he couldn’t help financially (same guilt I have) and it makes it harder because my baby looks just like me. I expressed how I felt alone not having him there when I needed him and he apologized. He said he just needs time and I’ll give him that because I don’t want to force him to accept it as I’m having a hard time myself. We’re both getting counseling and he acknowledged his past with foster care being a factor for his feelings. I’m just glad to be speaking to him again.