What age did you move out?
Just curious tbh! I’m midway through college still not really sure of what I’m gonna do but even so, I know everyone in my life expects me to move out post-grad. I (19F) am actually moving out later this month to live closer to my college after getting a great internship, which I’m excited but terrified for (living on my “own”). With the dumpster-fire that is the job market right now, there’s just a lot of uncertainty I’m crazy nervous about looking forward. And in my field, I’m not looking at making any more than ~30/hr immediately after college which I thought was okay but most adults who have it together have been telling me it’s not? I dunno!!!
BUT ANYWAYS! I guess im just curious when people actually moved out on their own? Was it normal to move out when college started up? Or did you move out immediately after graduating? I know this whole thing isn’t linear but I think I need a reminder of that :,)