Does it ever get easier?
Does this shit truly ever just get easier. Im 19 and I live in small rural isolated town in northern Minnesota and I truly cant name something I enjoy about living here. I completed trade school in another state but now im back home with my mom because I need to save money to move and do my apprenticeship but just going to sleep makes me want to cry knowing I have to wake up in the morning and spend another 8 hours doing absolutely nothing but having to make things to do out of thin air to not be yelled at by my bitchy manager and I just want to know if this shit truly ever gets better. I dont get paid anything, I have to get up at 5 am to get to work because I walk over an hour because I dont have a car. I dont even feel appreciated going into work despite having the responsibilities of 9 people. I would just work less and save up slower but im applying for the ibew which the union school starts in August so I need to save up enough to buy a car and move in 4 months and I just want to curl up into a ball cry and stop existing. Does it get better once you actually start a career or will it always be this painful