Anyone here turn their life around in their 30s?
I’m 31 and I still live at home with my mom. I work full time, pay for part of the mortgage, pay for food, pay for other bills too. Even after doing all of this, I still feel like a man child bc I live at home and I make less than $42k. I only have a shitty associate degree in general studies. I never knew what I wanted to do with my life and I still have no idea. Nothing really interests me tbh. Everything is either too boring or too overwhelming for me to handle that’s why I dropped out.
I also feel like the black sheep of the family bc all of them are well educated and they have their own homes. They also have a lot saved. I have maybe a little over $23k all together. I know most people are living paycheck to paychecks and I also know that the housing market, job market, and dating market are all shit but I just feel like I’m so far behind in life. Like I still haven’t had my first kiss yet and I have very little friends bc I have a hard time connecting with people.