How to move forward without regrets of my 20s?
This year I turned 24(M) and it's hitting me really hard. Looking back on my life, I literally didn't live my life at all. I have always been stuck in my room and spend most of my awake time in front of a computer. I landed a WFH job at 21 and started going back to school at 23, but also online weekend classes. So, I now feel like a loser. I have no friends, never had a relationship. I don't even know any girls, it's been years since I had a conversation with a girl, I seriously don't even remember.
Being from a country with a lot of political issues make things a lot harder. After work is done, it's already dark and going outside is quite dangerous, not that I know anywhere to go to socialize and meet new people ( live in a very small town and most of the decent people have already moved to other countries to pursue education or work) . What's worst is I feel terrible having wasted literally have of my 20s. I feel like I don't even know how I became 24. First there was Covid, only to be followed by Military Coup which pretty much took half of my youths.
I spent 3 years working from home and now I feel like I am just burning out, the job market is too tough to get another role and I don't even feel like job hunting. I want to relocate to another safer country for networking and starting a new life. But, without my job, I can't do that. Quitting my current job and taking a break is probably gonna waste major parts of my life once again. Moving to another country to start over while I am burnt out from my current job and having 0 faith that I can land a new role feels unreasonable and unhealthy.
For me, I think I just want to live a fulfilling life that only meets 3 requirements, a stable job, a small circle of close friends and a committed partner or at least be in the dating pool in search of one. But, my current life doesn't seem to fulfill anything.
Now, I feel like I woke up from a dream and I am now 24 asking where my teenage and early 20s had gone. I don't want to wake up again 5 years later and ask myself in my 30s where my 20s had gone. I want to change and I don't know what to do.