The Astrology of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Nuclear Bombings - PART 2

This is the second part of the full article. The first part can be found here (same subreddit).

Emperor Showa VS President Truman

Synastry between Emperor Showa (inner circle) and President Truman (outer circle) :

Emperor Showa (inner circle) and President Truman (outer circle)

  • President Truman’s Mars is making a trine with Emperor Showa’s Uranus and also a sextile with his Pluto. The actions of Truman will impact the tense natal opposition of Pluto and Uranus in the Emperor’s natal chart.
  • President Truman’s Uranus conjunct Emperor Shows’s Moon. Once again, he will give him no rest. The Emperor possible interest for foreign cultures or for philosophical matters (Moon in the 9th) was probably getting quite tested by the President, representative of his enemies.
  • Emperor Showa’s Mars (in his 8th House) square President Truman’s Pluto-Mercury-Chiron (in the Emperor’s 6th House). The amount of pain and defeat inflicted is well represented.

Emperor Showa Solar Return 1945 :

Emperor Showa Solar Return 1945

  • The SR Ascendant falls into the natal 8th House, and it is conjunct SR Jupiter which rules the SR 7th House of enemies and the SR IC of endings. The SR IC is also conjunct the natal Uranus in the natal 12th. This year was announced to be centered around the theme of death, and that a potential enemy could be bringing an end (or death) by an unexpected and unseen manner.
  • SR Mercury and SR Venus retrograde are conjunct the natal IC. SR Venus ruling the SR 9th House, the foreigner might be getting into the Emperor’s land.
  • SR MC is in the natal 6th House and conjunct SR Uranus and natal Pluto, indicating the extraordinary level of sudden stress and potential disease (of his “servants”) that he will be confronted to during this year.

President Truman Solar Return 1945 :

President Truman Solar Return 1945

  • The SR Ascendant falls into the natal 10th House and is conjunct the natal Jupiter. A highly probably success in terms of career and objectives.
  • SR Jupiter is making a trine to the natal Sun. Once again, a potential success is indicated.
  • The SR MC is conjunct SR Moon, SR Venus and SR Mercury and is in the natal 7th House. SR Moon rules the SR Ascendant, SR Venus rules the SR 4th House and SR Mercury rules the SR 11th House. He will probably manage to impose the will and hopes of his country over its adversaries.

Emperor Showa transits for the day of Hiroshima’s bombing :

Emperor Showa transits for Hiroshima bombing

  • Transiting Uranus in the 6th House is exactly conjunct natal Pluto and exactly opposed natal Uranus. He must have sensed a sheer amount of stress and despair.
  • The previous point is more so emphasised by the fact that transiting Uranus is also making an exact quincunx to the natal Saturn in the 1st House. The weight of seeing what had happened to his people must have crushed him.
  • The transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction in the 8th House making a square to the natal Sun-Venus conjunction in the 5th. A forceful situation related to death may hinder his ability to enjoy life or affect his (metaphorical) children.
  • The transiting Ascendant-Jupiter conjunction right on his Moon. His feelings must have been widely amplified on that day.

Emperor Showa Solar Arc Directions for the day of Hiroshima’s bombing :

Emperor Showa Solar Arc Direction Hiroshima bombing

  • SA Moon making a sextile to the natal Chiron in the 1st House and SA North Node also conjunct said Chiron. His emotions will underline an profound wound.
  • SA MC making a quincunx to natal Neptune. What his position should be as the leader of his people probably became quite arduous to grasp.
  • SA Ascendant making a square to the natal Sun-Venus conjunction in the 5th House. Not a time to enjoy one-self.
  • SA Saturn making an opposition to the natal Mars in the 8th House. He will be stopped and confronted to a perilous situation.

After having said all that about what was astrologically happening for Emperor Showa at that period, it is interesting to note that against some strong factions of the Japanese leadership of that time he decided to agree to the Allies’ terms. On August 15th, a few days after the bombings, he made a historic radio address (known as the Jewel Voice Broadcast) announcing the surrender of Japan. It was the first time in history a Japanese Emperor would directly express himself to the nation in such a manner. He expressed his worry not just for Japan but for all humanity.

President Truman transits for the day of Hiroshima’s bombing :

President Truman transits for Hiroshima bombing

  • Transiting Mars was conjunct his natal Saturn in the 8th House. Pushing his limits, maybe beyond what his past or family would have thought him to do or beyond what was necessary to do for his country (also represented by the 4th House) as this conjunction is making a a quincunx to the IC.
  • Transiting Venus was conjunct his natal Venus, in the 9th House, ruler of the Ascendant and the 8th House. A Venus return which might had helped confirm that he would bring death to a foreign country.
  • Transiting Saturn was in his 10th House and making a sextile to his natal Sun. Confirmation of success in regards of his leadership.
  • The transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction was making a sextile to his natal Saturn and a sextile to his Ascendant. Once again, the status of his authority would get more potent.

Oppenheimer and Tibbets

Tibbets transits for the Hiroshima bombing :

Tibbets transits for Hiroshima bombing

  • Moon between 5° and 25° Gemini as mentioned, with transiting Uranus probably conjunct it, or it could have been transiting Mars.
  • Transiting Saturn was making an opposition to his natal Venus, maybe denoting of an inner sense of guilt.

Oppenheimer Solar Arc Directions when the bombings occurred :

Oppenheimer Solar Arc Directions for the bombings

  • SA Mars was conjunct his natal Pluto, both also happen to be conjunct the transiting Uranus of that moment, clearly indicating a sheer amount of power deployed.
  • SA Jupiter and SA Venus were conjunct his natal Mercury, which is the ruler of the Ascendant and the 4th House, maybe pointing towards the fact his wishes and those of his country would have a favorable outcome.
  • SA MC was conjunct his natal Jupiter-Venus conjunction. Once again, an excessive success.
  • SA Saturn was making a square to his natal Uranus, maybe pointing towards the hard concretisation of this explosive force.

Oppenheimer transits for the first bombing :

Oppenheimer transits for Hiroshima bombing

  • The transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction was making a trine to his natal Jupiter-Venus conjunction in the 11th House. Jupiter ruling over his 10th House, it was a good indication that his hopes might succeed.

Regarding what was previously mentioned about Oppenheimer and Tibbets having respectively Uranus and Pluto near the World Axis, and how the involvement of those two individuals towards the same goal would make for a potential world-level destruction type of outcome, it is interesting to note that both of them somehow perceived similar ideas, as if higher forces or destiny were at play.

Oppenheimer would declare in 1965 : "We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed; a few people cried. Most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the prince that he should do his duty, and to impress him, takes on his multiarmed form and says, 'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."

Whereas Tibbets would write in the first page of is autobiography : “From the pilot’s seat of my airplane, I saw the city shimmering 6 miles below in the bright sunlight of an August morning. Suddenly there was a blinding flash beside which the sun grew dim. In a millionth of a second, the shimmering city became an ugly smudge. For eleven months I had worked day and night to plan the delivery of that bright and devastating flash. Now that I could say “mission accomplished,” I was stunned. What strange destiny had brought me over this alien island, half a world away from my birthplace in Quincy, Illinois, to keep this appointment with history? My eleven companions and I were improbable choices to become the messengers of a war god more terrible than any who had walked this earth in all the centuries past. We were no Genghis Khans, no Tamerlanes, no Julius Caesars or Napoleons. Yet any of these ruthless warriors, whose deeds are written in blood across the pages of human history, would have trembled at what we had done. Nothing in their experience as practicing agents of death and destruction would have prepared them for the awful sight I had just witnessed on the morning of August 6, 1945, and for which I was actually responsible.”

Cities on the days of the bombings

Eclipses for (Old) Hiroshima (Hiroshima’s Castle) in 1945 :

Eclipses 1945 for (Old) Hiroshima

  • Solar Eclipse on July 9th 1945, conjunct Old Hiroshima’s IC. The castle and past would be “reseted”, the city will start a new chapter.

Eclipses for (New/Official) Hiroshima in 1945 :

Eclipses 1945 for (New/Official) Hiroshima

  • Lunar Eclipse on June 26th 1945, conjunct Hiroshima’s Jupiter, ruler of the Ascendant. The face of the city will not continue to be the same, a part of it would come to an end.
  • Solar Eclipse on July 9th 1945, conjunct Hiroshima’s North Node. Potential for chaos coming from an enemy.

(Old) Hiroshima transits for the day of the bombing :

(Old) Hiroshima transits for the day of the bombing

  • Transiting Mars square natal Jupiter, ruler of the 8th House.
  • Transiting Uranus making an exact quincunx to the MC and a square to the natal Uranus.
  • Transiting Moon-Saturn conjunction, conjunct the natal IC.
  • Transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction making a square to the natal Mercury-Chiron conjunction in the 1st House.

(New/Official) Hiroshima with Solar Arc Directions for the day of the bombing :

(New/Official) Hiroshima Solar Arc Directions for the day of the bombing

  • The most exact aspect was SA Moon quincunx natal Jupiter, which had perfected a month or so before. Moon is the ruler of the 8th House of death, Jupiter is ruler of the Ascendant... Not only that but if you recall the event chart, Mars the day of the bombing is at less than 2° from where the SA Moon is standing.
  • The SA Descendant, conjunct natal Saturn retrograde in Leo in the 8th House, exactly where the Sun was transiting that day. An adversary would highlight and bring the heaviness of death.
  • SA Venus in the 7th House, ruler of the natal 6th House of illness is making a square to the natal Sun-Moon conjunction in the 4th House. Quite literally potential health problems casted unto the land and its people from an adversary.
  • SA Mercury making a square to natal Saturn in the 8th House. Mercury rules the natal 9th. A message from a foreign land that could be about death...

(Old) Nagasaki transits for the day of its bombing on August 9th 1945 11:02 am :

(Old) Nagasaki transits the day of its bombing

  • Transiting Uranus (and widely Mars) was conjunct the (Old) Nagasaki’s IC and Neptune. A sudden disruption of the city’s land.
  • Transiting Saturn, ruler of the natal 12th House, is making an exact trine to the natal Pluto in the 1st House. A downfall forcing a profound change of the “face” of the city.
  • Transiting Mars and Uranus opposite the natal Sun. The identity of the city under sudden attack.
  • Transiting Mercury retrograde, ruler of the 4th House, in the 6th House is making a quincunx to the natal Moon, ruler of the 6th House. The health of the people of this city might come to an end.
  • Transiting Neptune opposite natal Moon, ruler of the 6th House. A veil of uncertainty is cast upon the well being of the masses.

(New) Nagasaki transits for the day of its bombing on August 9th 1945 11:02 am:

(New) Nagasaki transits for the day of its bombing

  • Transiting Mars, ruler of the 12th, conjunct the Ascendant. A scare might be left on the city.
  • Transiting Uranus conjunct the Moon in the 1st House. Unexpected change for the people and the nature of the environment
  • The transiting Sun-Pluto conjunction opposite the natal Saturn-Uranus conjunct in the 9th House. Powerful confrontation to the sudden pressure of a foreign country.
  • Transiting Mercury retrograde, conjunct natal Mercury, ruler of the Ascendant in the 4th House. An ending might arrived.
  • Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Venus, ruler of the 6th House. The dissolution of the well being of the city.


From an astrological standpoint, here is a short summary of what could be said about the massive destruction signature that was sought :

  • It is a multifaceted event, and a lot of “cogs” need to be analyzed in order to make sense of it. Though, the more access we have to relevant “participants” charts the more blatant and visible the outcome becomes. With just one chart, predicting mundane events can be quite hazardous.
  • It is also quite evident that there are multiple layers of different view points (the various predictive techniques) to take into consideration, making it quite difficult to correlate these types of events to only one specific aspect or configuration.
  • As you probably already know, and as we can see in this example case, the Eclipses shed a preceding light on the points that may have importance afterwards. If the charts of the different parts and the transits to come, are coinciding with those, the chances of seeing the story clearly manifest are high.
  • Not always so called “harmonious” aspects bring “positive outcomes” as they can also signify that an attack will effectively reach its target for example.
  • Aspects to the angles of a city/country seem to be really potent indicators of important events.
  • The outer planets are significantly represented but by no means the others should be dismissed. On the contrary the exactly indicate the setting and interactions while the outer planets could be associated with the global context. Nothing new of course, but it is worth mentioning.
  • The 4th House, 6th House, 7th House, 12th House and their rulers seem to be the most highlighted.