Sent nudes and explicit videos, what now?

So I had a fling and stupidly exchanged nude and explicit photos and videos of myself, some including my face. Lesson learned! We talked about deleting photos of each other after receiving, but there’s no way to know now since he stopped communicating with me. How worried should I be? Where do I begin to search?

ETA: I am NOT married or otherwise committed to anyone. We met on Reddit after I posted some face photos in the doppelgänger sub. I had pure intentions of looking for a look a like, I didn’t know what Reddit was all about at this point. Naive, now stupid me! He sent me a message and we chatted casually for a time until things progressed. We chatted for over 4 months off and on. We knew personal information about each other and took our communication off of Reddit via phone calls and texts. There was talk of meeting in person because we established what I thought was a genuine connection. He was pushy for more explicit photos and videos which turned me off and should have turned me away. Ultimately he said we needed a break because according to him we weren’t on the same page. I caught feelings. He says it’s not permanent. Probably grew tired of me and is fishing for others on here now. What will be the best response to him when he returns?

EATA: Wow, thank you everyone for the advice and some for kindness and reassurance. I really have learned my lesson, so please stop sending me messages as if I’m going to send you nudes. I made stupid decisions, but am not completely daft. Stop trying to prey on the weak.

Final update: No photos or videos have been found yet. I will ignore any incoming messages from this man. I will not make the same mistakes again. I appreciate all of the words of encouragement and reassurance from so many of you. If anyone encounters such a man/woman, please be smarter than me and don’t do it! Cheers!