Girl I’m seeing threatened suicide…

The girl I’ve been seeing tonight threatened suicide. It’s happened before but we’ve always talked it out. Tonight she said she was gonna hang herself and then didn’t respond to calls or texts so after numerous texts I made the decision to call 911. Cops went to her house and I talked to them but nothing could be done cause she wasn’t home. She texted me finally fuck you and I’m dead to her and so on, multiple times. She’s drunk I’m sure. I did it out of care. I’ve lost 3 very close friends to suicide and numerous others that I served with in the military. I just can’t sit idle knowing I may lose another. The cops figured out where she works and called her boss to see if she knew anything. I’m friends with her boss so she reached out and I told her what’s going on but also indicated please don’t let this affect her job and she was very understanding saying it wouldn’t. The girl I’ve been seeing now HATES me and I’m dead to her. She’s alive so I’m happy, but should I have done something different? What if she actually did it and I didn’t do anything? I’d have to live with that. I’m hoping she wakes up tomorrow and realizes I did it out of love and care but I think we’ve passed that point after all the hate texts she sent me. Did I overreach? What could I have done different? I love her. What should I say tomorrow when she’s sober and maybe willing to hear me out? Life sucks sometimes, but this is life. Guessing now’s a good time to move on…