I'm I overthinking about a guy in my school?

So, I learned something disturbing today. There's a guy I go to school with who I'll call Leo. Leo is creepy. I've talked to him in conversations before, and he can be kind, but some things he says are worrying and mostly related to sexual things. I was in a group conversation that he was in, and people started doing "hear me outs," which transcended into smash or pass with people in the school. I referenced a person in the group to show how a previous comment was odd, and no one seriously answered: "Smash or pass." Which was my intention, it would be weird to ask about someone in the group. But that person in "retaliation". Said me also as a joke, let me preface that I'm not a generally attractive person (I don't want pity because I don't care how I look). All of a sudden before we were about to move to a new person Leo raises his hand and says smash. That kinda freaked me out, but I thought he was joking. So this was a few months ago. He asked me other weird things since but i didn't really think about it.

Today I learned something really weird through another person (I'll call James) . James isn't really friends with Leo but Leo sits with them at lunch. As they were walking through a hallway Leo pointed to a friend of mine and said "I know she's a bitch but i'd fuck her cause dude she has huge tits". This was already weird but the next day he walked by where I sit at lunch and James said jokingly to Leo "Look go ahead and tell her(My friend) what you said" Leos response to this was "Ha, but you see the one in green sitting right there(Me) I'd fuck her too". This is very concerning because he then apparently reiterated this a few times.

Sorry for the long explanation, but I'm now worried. To say that he’ll pull something seems like a stretch but the thought won't leave my mind. Unfortunately to make it worse we live in very close proximity. I am literally able to see his house from mine. Yes, this could be seen as typical teenage boy behavior but the way he's acted in the past makes me panic a bit. It doesn't just seem like a crush or something simple. But I feel like I'm overreacting because he didn't really say anything threatening or anything. So, what am I supposed to think?