Serious question. plz give feedback…?
Someone Ive been working with is getting unfair, probably biased, treatment. It’s putting them in danger of losing the housing that was promised and provided to them by our Org. The reasons this person is being “ released”from our program, are very, very weak and extremely exaggerated. I don’t have very little sway, and have tried to reverse the decision, but my superiors are overruling me. I believe in the work we do, and I’m surprised by the approach being taken in this case. I’m wondering if this person were to potentially record the next conversation between our organization and this person, even if only to have as a form of leverage ( not to actually be used- since I know it’s not legal) as a last resort could be revealed to let the higher ups know they are accountable to how they treat those who we are supposed to helping- an extremely vulnerable group of people. Is there any way that the 2 consent rule can be circumvented- like, in the event of abuses of power, etc. Please- there’s not much time- I can’t lose this job, but I feel like if I don’t think outside the box on this one- a very damaged and vulnerable person could be put onto the street’s or even back with abusers, etc. I really would appreciate some help.