How to fall asleep quick?
Ok so normally, I fall asleep ranging from 15-30 mins. However, this past like week or so, it’s been taking me longer. I go to bed around 11:30-12am (which is normal), and I’m up till maybe 2:30am, I lowkey just thought my mind was occupied or I kept opening my eyes.
But last night i went to bed at 12am I was up till 4:30am, maybe even 5am. I was actually trying to sleep and close my eyes but I just couldn’t sleep.
I think some of this has to do with the fact I kept getting up to pee, and ig im just never comfortable if i have to pee, but the thing is that’s normal for me and usually after the 2nd time of getting up I’m able to sleep.
So any tips on how to fall asleep quick? I need to get up early tmrw so.