How to cut off a guy

I’m a 16F junior, and I go to school with this guy who’s a 17M senior. We met in middle school when I was 12 and he was 13, and he was really weird back then. He was always prying into my personal life, he texted me an insane amount of times in a day and then got upset when I didn’t immediately respond, and kept making sex jokes. When we went into quarantine he would show up at my house every day and try to go skate with me even when I told him over text that I wasn’t available. After that, he went into high school when I stayed in middle school and we kinda stopped talking.

When I got to high school, I never saw him until the middle of my sophomore year where he came up to me at a theatre function and told me that he had been in rehab for hard drug use and promised he was less weird now and wanted to be friends again, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I now have theatre class with him and I just can not stand him. He keeps trying to confess to me and go on dates with me even though I’m a lesbian, and even if I weren’t, one rejection should be enough. He hasn’t stopped making his sex jokes when I’ve told him explicitly to stop. He smells really, really bad. He’s always outwardly craving validation from me, and finally, he’s a TERRIBLE actor but thinks he’s the best in the room which makes working with him embarrassing and uncomfortable.

My problem is that he’s not MEAN, so I don’t want to be a bitch about cutting him off. But I really just want to be left alone. What should I do?