Couple quick questions from a new player
Hey guys! I'm a TAB veteran, so I'm trying to figure out what I need to unlearn or plan for here. I noticed a couple things in my first half hour of survival I wanted to ask:
-How long do survival maps last? The difficulty options didn't actually specify what they meant. I assume harder means shorter, but does that mean more nightmares packed into fewer death nights or fewer days until the same number of death nights?
-I noticed that around night 2, a couple nightmare units wandered into my camp. Does anyone know if this was uncleared randos just wandering, or if they were spawned as a "wave" for the night? I was playing the easy mode to adjust to the new flow of the game, but that meant there were literally like, 4. could go either way.
-Is there a way to clearly mark passable and impassable tiles, like the flat mode of TAB? The terrain art looks great but it's tough to read expected pathing, doubly so on the minimap, and my color blindness is decidedly unhelpful in this area.