MED Board Deep Dive: C&P exams
Hey all, I wanted to do another deep dive into the MEB process. So this deep dive with cover the VA and c&p exams. Note this is after you get a decision for a Full MEB. Please look at my previous deep dive for info on that process
So c&p exams are what take place after you meet with your VA MSC and fill out your SHA Part A. These C&P exams can be sometimes held at a VA hospital but are usually contracted out to third party. The big ones are OPTUMSERVE, QTC, and LSG. You will get called, and emailed regarding your exam dates. Do NOT miss these appointments, these take priority over literally everything, I’ve seen peoples promotion test dates changed because of these exams. If you miss one your PEBLO and your commander are going to be pissed, if anyone try’s to give you a hard time, talk to your supervisor or shirt because these are MANDATORY appointments.
For the head and toe exam it will be a standard, full body exam, and you will go over a majority of your claims during this time. From knee pain to IBS to GERD, it covers a lot of your claims in one swoop. Any follow up exams like sleep study’s and X-rays will be scheduled after this exam. This is the longest exam by far, and usually takes the longest to see results. They will fill out a DBQ (Disability Questionnaire) for each “issue” you are claiming. You can look these up on the VA website to get a gist for what they are looking for. After the exams are done, eventually you can log on to TRICARE ONLINE (yes I know genesis exists but they still upload these to tricare online) to see what the doctor put for each claim.
My sleep study was done at home with a device I picked up and dropped off the day after, yours might be different and it depends on the c&p contractor doing your exams, just because you didn’t have a sleep study while your in does not meet you can’t claim sleep apnea and get one during your VA claim.
Audio exam is a more detailed version on the military one and involves a lot of science stuff that I can’t explain that much tbh. But tinnitus is claimable and is very hard to prove that you don’t have. Do with that what you will, and again you will be able to see the results on tricare online.
Finally, the MH exam, is probably the most stressful and difficult one. You will meet with a psychologist either in person or usually via telehealth, like zoom. These can take up to 2 hours but can be shorter depending if the doctor has read your file from the military and everything adds up. I’ve seen these take 15 minutes or sometimes 2 hours, it depends on the doctor and what they have read. This is not the time to be strong and act like nothing is wrong. Be vulnerable and open and honest. Remember this is not a therapy session, they are here to evaluate your claim, it is strictly business, understand that, they might seem cold or like they don’t care but it’s because they can’t care, they are evaluating your claim, not fixing your issue. You are allowed to request the gender of your psychiatrist if you choose to, this is helpful to people with MST. Again, you can see the results of this DBQ on tricare online usually a week after the exam.
Please remember to lay everything out on the table during these exams, this is not the time to downplay or dismiss your pain or health issues, this is the time to be honest and open with everything. After the MH one, please do some self care, it can be very triggering and re traumatizing and bring up a lot of emotions. Please do self care or talk to someone, my DM’s are always open and I can always chat and let you vent, cry or yell.
Remember during these exams, you might be having a good day, but be honest about your symptoms on your worst day not the best day. If at anytime you feel like you’re not being heard or your doctor is being rude or lazy, let your MSC and PEBLO know and file a complaint to get a new exam done. This is money and benefits at stake and you do not want to have to deal with this after you get out.
Also, remember these exams are just one part of your rating and if you feel like the doctor didn’t accurately evaluate you, don’t get upset or overthink too much, the rater at the VA will look at everything not just these exams to make your rating.
If you have any questions please reach out to me in my DM’s, I’m currently done with my exams and will continue to make these deep dives to help anyone going thru the MEB process understand as much as they can.