Waiver Approved in one day!

Yes, you read that right. It was approved in one day. I’ve spent weeks reading other Reddit posts, and seeing both successful and unsuccessful attempts at joining. It caused me to not lose hope, and here we are. I hope this helps you the same way lots of other posts have!

Back in December (12/11), I went on the Air Force website and expressed my interest. My recruiter reached out to me about a week later (original recruiter had passed me off), and we got the process started that same day. I told him everything medical-related upfront (asthma/eczema), and that I was willing to work hard to get everything needed. I scheduled a PFT test, and had to wait a month for it. Within that month, I met with my recruiter to start working on my documents. Before I knew it, I was being sent up to MEPS (2/5-2/6). I had gone up expecting a temporary DQ, and that’s exactly what I had gotten. The eczema was not a concern (haven’t had any issues with eczema for years, and no scars from it), but they needed more medical documents for my asthma. I gathered what was requested of me, and handed it over to my recruiter. He told me it would take maybe 3 weeks to a month before we’d hear back, and we left it at that. A few days later, he gives me an unexpected call (we submitted Thursday, and we weren’t expecting anything else at this point). It was to let me know that my waiver was approved the very next day and that it was the fastest he had ever seen a waiver be approved!

My advice to anyone thinking of joining, or curious about the process: Just do it! Your recruiter will not be making the decision on whether you will be approved or not. It’s okay to get a temporary DQ at MEPS. It’s not an indefinite no, it’s a temporary one that will require you to get some missing information about you. Best of luck to you, and don’t give up. I’m happy to answer any questions if you have any!