Airpods Max Charging / Connectivity Fix (Solid White Light When Pairing)
Hello. I wanted to tell everyone about a fix I just found if your Airpods Max are not charging or connecting properly. My issue, was that sometimes they would connect and show 55 percent, no matter how much I charged them. When they would connect they would not play audio or change modes. Also, sometimes they wouldn't connect at all and would just die when unplugged from the charger. Pressing the pairing button would usually show a constant white light never blinking. Resetting would eventually show an amber light for only 3 blinks and the white light would not show up afterward. To get them to work properly again here is what I did.
Step 1: Remove the device from your bluetooth list and icloud account. Simply go to bluetooth and remove the device.
Step 2: Plug in the Airpods for about an hour on a charger that isn't too powerful. What I mean is, do not use a GaN charger or anything higher than about 20 W. They will not charge faster with a faster charger they will just screw up the longevity of the battery and its health. (I used a GaN charger like an idiot)
Step 3: After they have been charging for at least an hour. Keep them plugged in and try resetting them. To do that, hold the pairing button and the crown until you see the amber light blink and hopefully if it works it will turn into a solid white light allowing you to pair. If you are like me this will not work, if it doesn't continue to the next step.
Step 4: Do the reset process again but unplugged from the charger.
Step 5: If ALL of that does not work. Put the Airpods Max in the low-power case and let them sit for a few days. It could be that the battery (at least for me) needed to be fully powered off and back on. This might also work without the low power case but idk. (I actually let them sit for a few weeks forgetting about them, when I attempted to pair them again, they showed 50%. I then went through the steps)
Notes: You might have to keep adding and removing the device if it is paired and still not working. The pairing is really screwy sometimes.
If you have any questions lmk I hope I helped someone!